<body> this is my territory <body>
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ymp, hsc, MJC*
Officialy seventeen

Friday, March 30, 2007

hello.. very xian so blog again.. im quite slack nowadays.. not motivated to study. ahh!! ok today sch got nothing except mock exam, mock exam n mock exam.. sian.. then got the study skills workshop. It's quite gd actually, i pick up a thing or two there.. i will change my study strategies n work even harder frm now on. hopefully :) we'll see in my mid-year exam results.. after sch go tuition with jem n amos lim.. it's quite fun to haf the tuition. we, including the teacher, always laugh with lame jokes along the way but still use our time wisely on our studies.. It's a very relaxed atmosphere n i learn loads.. *signs* if only can be liddat in all my sch lessons..

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ok.. blogging for the 1st time... it's just tat it gets more n more boring to use the com bcos im sick of playing the same com game over n over again... tot i will blog to kill time.. haha, ok. today nothing much happened, just go sch n attend the mission for life... Mrs Tang said tat it will make us cry. lol. got friends ask me whether it's true.. IT IS DEFINITELY NOT TRUE!! The introduction part is good but overall got a bit xian.. haha. Gd thing is tat we no need to take the chinese test like the girls did but tml they get to rest while we go for the maths test!! ahhh!! sec 4 life is so stressful!!

I AM DONOVAN!!! haha

no laa, joking. am jermain. XD. cheers. haha, helping him cos bo bian. if not cannot see blog. LOL. haha. ok.